Conversion Factors for Units of Stress and Pressure (Large Units)

Metric Units British Units

Bar Kilogram- force per
Poundal per sq. ft
Ton-force per sq. in.
Ton-force per sq. ft
force per sq. in.
force per sq. ft.

1 Bar
1 1.019 72 6.719 7
x 10-4
6.474 9
x 10-3
0.932 39 14.503 8 2.088 54
x 103
1 Kilogram- force per
0.980 665 1 6.5898
x 104
x 10-3
0.914 36 14.223 3 2.048 16
x 103
1 Poundal per sq. ft
1.488 16
x 10-6
1.517 51
x 10-5
1 9.635 7
x 10-8
1.387 54
x 10-5
2.185 40
x 10-4
0.031 081 0
1 Ton-force per sq. in.
154.443 157.488 1.037 81
x 107
1 144 2.240
x 103
3.225 60
x 105
1 Ton-force per sq. ft
1.072 52 1.093 66 7.207 0
x 104
6.944 4
x 10-3
1 15.555 6 2.240
x 103
1 Pound-
force per sq. in.
0.038 948 0.070 307 4.633 06
x 103
4.464 29
x 10-4
0.064 286 1 144
1 Pound-
force per sq. ft.
4.788 03
x 10-4
4.882 43
x 10-4
32.174 0 3.100 20
x 10-6
4.464 29
x 10-4
6.944 4
x 10-3

1 Bar = 105 newtons per sq. m (N/m2) = 102 pieze (pz) = 105 dyes/cm2