Advanced Math

Question :
What is 'Surd' ?

Answer :
Surd is the root of a number which can only be found approximably. It can also be called a numerical expression containing an irrational number. It is sometimes used as a synonym of irrational number.
Suppose we wish to simplify sqrt(1/4) . We can write it as 1/2 . On the other hand, some numbers involving roots, such as sqrt(2), sqrt(3) cannot be expressed exactly in the form of a fraction. Any number of the form , which cannot be written as a fraction of two integers is called a surd.
For example, can be written as,
Applications :
Surds arise in a number of applications. By using Pythagoras' theorem we find the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. Surds arise in the solution of quadratic equations.