Math Logic

Question :
What are 'Magic Squares' ?

Answer :
Magic Squares consist of a number of integers arranged in the form of a square in such a way that the sum of the numbers in every row, in every column and each diagonal is the same.
Magic Squares originated as an amusement in old time when mystical ideas were associated with particular numbers.
Even before the Christian Era Magic Squares were constructed in China. Then introduction into Europe appears to have been in the early part of the fifteeth century.
A Magic Square engraved on a silver plate was sometimes prescribed as a charm against the plague.
The term Magic Square is also sometimes used to refer to any of various types of Word Square.
Normal magic squares exist for all orders n >= 1 except n = 2, although the case n = 1 is trivial, it consists of a single cell containing the number 1.

For order 3 it is shown below:
The constant sum in every row, column and diagonal is called the magic constant or magic sum, (M). The magic constant of a normal magic square depends only on n and has the value