Math Logic

1. How would you describe the Sieve of Eratosthenes ?
2. Why do they call it a Sieve ?
3. Why isn't one a Prime Number ?
4. Why is it that any number raised to the power zero is equal to 1 and not zero ?
5. What is so 'Natural' about Natural Numbers ?
6. What is a MANIAC ?
7. What is an Arithmometer ?
8. What is EDVAC ?
9. What is a Farey Sequence ?
10. What is Fibonacci Sequence ?
11. What is a Finite Series ?
12. What is Infinite Series ?
13. What is an Arithmetic Sequence ?
14. What is Convergent Series ?
15. What is Divergent Series ?
16. What are 'Cumulative Symbols' ?
17. What is the 'Austrian Method' of subtraction ?
18. What is meant by 'Casting out nines' ?
19. What are 'Figurate Numbers' ?
20. What are 'Cryptograms' ?
21. What are 'Magic Squares' ?
22. What is a 'Diabolic Magic Square' ?
23. What are 'Harmonic Means' ?
24. What are 'Empirical Problems' ?
25. What is 'Goldbach's Theorem' ?
26. What is 'Tower of Hanoi' in arithmetic ?
27. What is 'Four-Colour' problem ?
28. How would you name a sixtyone digits number such as this :
     7,346,648,004,560,986,215,348,444,286,445,305,146,039,140,046,960,678,582,256,003 ?
29. What is 'Sand Reckoner' ?
30. What is 'Clepsydras' ?
31. What is 'Fermat's Last Theorem' ?
32. What are 'Digital Computers' ?
33. What is the game called 'NIM' ?
34. What is a 'Pictogram' ?
35. What is a 'Coin-Machining Game' ?
36. What is 'ORACLE' ?
37. What is 'Regula Falsi' ?
38. What is a 'Sub-Sequence' ?
39. What is 'Waring's Problem' ?
40. What is 'Zeno's Paradox of Achilles and the Tortois' ?
41. What are 'Mnemonics' ?